A new pattern for sale, lovely yarn and great orders.
After designing and crocheting Bambi, I wanted to write this pattern down to add to my buyingpatterns. I really love the way Bambi has turned out and so did other people. The requests kept coming in, to buy Bambi. Because I just didn't take enough pictures while finishing Bambi, I was glad I got another order to crochet her.

So the past weeks I was busy crocheting, taking pictures and testing the pattern myself, while someone else was testing it too......and YESS, the pattern was ready for sale. It took 2 weeks extra for the translation in English.
Do you want to order the pattern of Bambi? Send me an e-mail on mooivoorkleintjes@gmail.com, or see page buying patterns.
In addition to Deer Bambi and it's pattern, I have been busy with some beautiful yarn I ordered in China. AliExpress and me are best friends now. Realy soft yarn, cotton with a touch of silk and beads with faces I found overthere.
With this yarn I made a little unicorn and a dragon. What a nice pair.
The same yarn I used to crochet around the beads and made luckycharm keychains.The perfect little faces make it complete.
And again busy with my orders, because another Gert Giraffe came rolling off my crochethook. This one is in bright blue colors.
It still is a great pattern and each and every Gert or Gigi is different and they are all wonderful. .
With this nice picture I say goodbye for now. Back to the world of cotton and crochethoooks. I hope for nice weather to crochet and enjoy the sun at the same time.
Many of you are on holiday or leaving soon. I wish you all a great summer.
Love Mery